Learning Capability refers to an individual’s ability to learn both effectively and efficiently. Effective learning involves acquiring knowledge, retaining it, and applying it constructively to reach desired goals. On the other hand, Efficient Learning indicates a learning process that minimizes waste and fully maximizes resources, such as time and materials.


In the rapidly-evolving modern world, especially in technology, the demand for knowledge and information has increased significantly. The need to learn more in a shorter time span has become increasingly important

This shift is evident in today’s education system. As we move towards a knowledge-based society, more information is introduced earlier in the education process to help students keep pace. Material previously covered in lower secondary levels is now taught in the upper primary levels. So, can we truly absorb all this at our own pace?

Whether it’s to better integrate into society or to satisfy our thirst for knowledge, learning more effectively and efficiently is always beneficial. In fact, it could be one of the best investments we make in our lives.


Many educators commonly assign students a seemingly endless stream of assessment books and exam papers in hopes of improving their performance. However, is this approach truly effective? The answer is ‘DEFINITELY, NO.

Quantity does not equate to quality. The sheer volume of worksheets a student completes does not guarantee improved results. Instead, the student’s thought process behind each question is crucial in enhancing their versatility and readiness for different types of questions.

A more effective strategy would be to focus on refining the quality of learning. This involves a deeper comprehension and understanding of the theory being taught. Achieving this can be done through the Education Heuristic.


EDUCATION HEURISTIC is a methodology used by Berleaf Education educators. It helps students realize their potential and achieve academic excellence. The complete methodology is detailed in a five-part series:
[Check out Part 1 Here]


  • Educational Mentor & Coach, Founder (Berleaf Education)
  • Co-founder, The Orijean (


  • BSc. Economics and 2nd Major in Law (SMU)
  • Associate of Chartered Secretaries Institute of Singapore (CSIS)
  • Real Estate Sale Person (CEA Reg No. R062858E) (Propnex)  
  • Diploma in Law & Management (TP)


  • Singapore Academy of Law Gold Medalist (Top Student) [2010]
  • Director’s Honours List [2007 – 2010]
  • Rajah & Tan Academic Achievement Award [2008]
  • Tito Issac & Co LLP Academic Achievement Award [2007]
  • National Health Board Photography Competition Runner Up [2004]